
Every website needs a home, that’s why I started CakeHosting.
So if I’m building your website I can also provide hosting space with everything you need to get you online.

Besides a nice design, a website needs two very important things if people are going to be able to find it:

Hosting Space

Getting the right kind of hosting space can be a bit confusing and not just for you. I often come across web hosts whose setup makes building new sites more difficult than it needs to be.

That’s why I started CakeHosting.

Doing this means, when I build your site, I know that everything works and everything is compatible with everything else. For you, it means you get exactly the kind of hosting your website needs, whether it’s a single page site, a blog or a shop. And while I might not be the cheapest, you’ll only ever have to deal with me. I can even do those fiddly, back-office, things like setting up new email addresses for you.

If you’d prefer to get your hosting elsewhere, let me know and I’ll send you my list of recommended hosting companies.


1&1 Ionos

I get all my domains from 1&1 Ionos and recommend you do to. Click the button and you can search for just the right one for yourself or your company and make sure it’s available to use.


Your home needs an address so people can find you and that address is your domain name. That’s the “” thing you see all over the place. But you don’t have to stick with .com these days. I like to use the new .uk domain name but in the past I’ve used, .com and even .org (when I couldn’t get the .com version).

Choose your domain name carefully, you’ll be using it for a long time.


  • Don’t choose something long and complicated; keep it short
  • Hyphens and numbers are a bad idea as they can be easily misunderstood
  • Be memorable, but be sure your domain says what you think it says. If you don’t believe me, ask Pen Island
  • Do your research. You’ll come unstuck if your chosen domain name is trademarked or copyrighted

I no longer sell domain names. I do however recommend 1&1 Ionos.

I’ve bought all my personal domains from them and send all my customers there. To check prices and availability of domain names at 1&1 Ionos, click the button.

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